Gift Mailer Boxes-Utah Local!!
You’ve got check out or brand new Utah local gift mailer boxes! All the goodies in these boxes come from some of our favorite Utah shops and Utah manufacturers!! Surprise your family and friends with these epic gifts delivered straight to their door. Or to your own door, whichever you prefer. Choose Your Favorite!
Extra Information:
Utah Truffle Gift Mailer: 8 mini chocolate Utah Truffles bars, 4 Raspberry Chocolate, 4 Toffee Chocolate, 5 Mint Chocolate Truffle bars, 5 Dark Chocolate Truffle Bars, 10 Toffee Truffle Bites--our most popular gift mailer along with the double decker
Utah Truffle--Double Decker Box: (not pictured) This has the Utah Truffles from the Utah Truffle Box--times 2!
We're currently revamping the other boxes with our new products and packaging. We'll update these very soon.
Note: Products or flavors in boxes may be occasionally substituted for something equally delicious
For large custom or corporate orders please contact us directly: